kinda' like I feared would happen. Oh well, bygones...
Tuesday was road trip day. Stephanie Pearl-
McPhee, The Yarn Harlot came to Charlotte (I've seen several poetical nods around the
internets to the Harlot in Charlotte) to promote her new book and
Lqisa and I went up to hear her talk and pick up a book or three. Everything I've read about her was right on the money! She's an engaging speaker, not only witty and droll but thoughtful too. And she's charming as well - makes time to speak to everyone getting books signed, takes a photo with everyone who asks, makes an appropriate fuss over the babies in attendance, takes some photos for her blog
and then gets the names and appropriate links all matched up -
and then actually posts to the blog without the traditional (at least it is around here) 5-7 day gap! If she comes to your town, go see her! Be sure to take your knitting, she especially likes to see first sock attempts (and
FOs too) and while the whole rest of the crowd knits away the waiting time, you'll have something to do (unlike a certain couple of SC road trippers who showed up empty-handed).
The next countdown is on now for this weekend - only barely 1 day's work left and then we (Amy, Kim and I) hit the road for Orlando and until Tuesday next week it's all about margaritas,
Mardi Gras (a little late) at Universal, margaritas, Universal rides and fun and - yep, you guessed it - more margaritas...